Strainers and Baskets
Reducing plant downtime and system maintenance is a major objective in industrial processes, and the installation of filtration to protect downstream equipment is commonplace.
In steam and condensate systems for example, damage to plant is frequently caused by pipeline debris such as scale, rust, jointing compound, weld metal and other solids. Strainers are devices which arrest these solids in flowing liquids or gases.
supplies a wide range of strainers and baskets to suit all types of industrial processes, and using our depth of process knowledge, we can evaluate your specific requirements and determine the optimum sizing for your particular process.We can then supply a comprehensive range of cost-effective strainers to suit all your needs based on flowrate, pressure, temperature and coding requirements.
unified supply solution will minimise logistics, simplify the supply chain, optimise economics and ensure the best choice of strainers and baskets vessels for your process.